Established on 29th May 1970, a unique school in the state of Maharashtra having close linkage with public sector i.e. Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (H.A.L.). The H.A.L. Management has provided necessary infrastructure and services which include building premises, playground, water supply, electricity etc. Opportunity to everyone to participate in co-curricular and extracurricular activities G.E.S.H.A.L. Primary school (EM) is an “B” grade school according to the norms of SHALA SIDDHI Education departments of Maharashtra Gov. and it is the first un-aided. school in Maharashtra to start Digital school from Jr. KG to Jr. College. It has been started from 8th July 2013 and helps to overcome the problems faced by traditional education system. School received the certificate of “Right To Education” (R.T.E.) from government of Maharashtra.